Where the world is going crazy about following the top cabinetry trends and kitchen remodel designs, we are contemplating ways to style our existing kitchen cabinets just to crank things up a notch. And well, we’d say it was a successful effort as we have come up with 13 creative ways you can style your kitchen cabinets in Charleston SC or anywhere else for that matter.
Kitchen Cabinet Interior
Almost everyone these days is hell-bent on what kitchen cabinet designs or materials they should use to make their kitchen pretty & stylish, but who is going to address the kitchen cabinet details that can play a huge, and I mean a HUGE role in changing the outlook of your kitchen?
Let’s just say that when you have achieved the achievable, there is still a lot more that you can achieve. So, if you are still wondering how can I make my kitchen cabinets look better? Keep reading, because that is what we are going to dive into today!
A heads-up! Most of these cabinet details are for open kitchen cabinets and glass cabinets, but if you still feel like you could use any of these as a fun project, you have our blessing.
Run-of-the-mill options
The reason we call these options run-of-the-mill is that these are some things you can get almost instantly.
We’re talking – one visit to the market, or a few clicks on eBay, Amazon, or Etsy.
Unless of course, you are picky about these things.
People have been using all sorts of wallpapers in their bedrooms, drawing rooms, dining rooms, and even their bathrooms!
So why not inside the cabinets too?
For one, they are cheap.
And second, there are a million designs that you can pick from. And if you’re creative, you can design one yourself too!
Image Credits: Decor Pad
Cloth/print fabric
This one works well if you are looking for a little texture.
Unlike wallpapers, cloth/print fabric can give you a matt finish.
And again, they don’t cost as much so you can take on this project as many times as you want.
Here’s a tip, if you don’t feel like doing it to all of your cabinets, just pick one!
(This applies to all of these ideas!) No one’s judging. It is your sanctuary after all!
Check out the most popular designs for your kitchen cabinets, Charleston SC!
Click here.
3D Sticker tiles
Adhesive 3D sticker tiles come in a great variety of matt, colorful designs & patterns.
They’re not only easy to use but are also available at very reasonable prices.
The artistic approach
We’re calling this the artistic approach because you have probably never heard about these being used for a cabinet interior!
But we assure you, you are going to get some quality head nods and head turns with these customizations.
Say what? Yes, mirrors.
Adding mirrors inside cabinets can give a really nice reflecting effect.
You can also add mirrors outside your cabinets instead of using glass.
But we only recommend doing this, if you have a very nice space. (Since whatever you have will be reflected, it better be something nice!)
Looking for a kitchen remodel that would last for a long time?
Check out these timeless kitchen cabinet trends!
Click here.
Image Credits: Pinterest/Serena&Lily.
Stencils/ Wall decals/ Vinyl decals
If you have open cabinets that you want to decorate, but can’t because wallpapers and printed fabrics are a little too much, you can use stencils, wall decals, or vinyl decals.
They offer minimalistic designs, easy application, and again, great value for money!
You can buy one online, or create one yourself!
Visit Southern Cabinets to get the best kitchen cabinets in Charleston, SC
Image Credit: Pinterest/Emily Jackson/Ivory Lane
Washi tape designs
Washi tapes are love!
You can use colored ones to create geometric designs of simple linear lines to form a pattern.
The best part is, you can go really wild with the colors & use test and trial methods to see what works best for you!
Looking for more ways to spice things up in your kitchen?
Get in touch with us & explore more options for custom cabinets in Charleston SC.
Okay, maybe you’re thinking this has gone too far.
But it really has not. We definitely don’t mean that you hang up your family photos inside your cabinets. That would be crazy!
By photos I mean, vintage photos!
That’s exactly how you get statement pieces, that no one has even thought of!
Bring out the big guns
Alright, enough with the pocket-friendly options.
These next few transformations will probably cost you a little.
Image credits: BHG.com
We absolutely love beadboard designs.
They’re delicate and vibrant, and look great as cabinet interiors.
You can either keep a wooden facade or choose to go with a bold color depending on the rest of your kitchen cabinets and walls.
Accent lighting lights up your cabinets (literally!).
Kitchen cabinet interior lighting is the best way to highlight the contents inside your cabinets. (they better be good though)
You can even use this with the above-mentioned styles and techniques.
Get wholesale kitchen cabinets in Charleston, SC
Painting the insides of your cabinets is a simple way if you want an indifferent yet elegant look.
This one will work best if you have a lot going on in your kitchen.
If you have a neutral kitchen, go for a bold color and vice versa.

See-through cabinets
See-through cabinets however cute, only look good if you have something worth showing on the opposite side.
They look great if you have an outlooking garden.
(This is wild, but you can add astroturf / artificial grass if you don’t have a garden but still want see-through cabinets.)
Hire the best cabinet makers in Charleston SC

Cork panels
Cork panels come in a number of vibrant colors.
You can choose one according to your kitchen or cabinet style.
Mix and match
Okay, this last one we’re leaving to your imagination.
You can use all these techniques to create something out of the world by mixing, matching, and improvising!
Read More: Kitchen Remodeling in Charleston, SC – No Longer Just a Dream!
Takeaway – 13 creative ways to style your kitchen cabinets, Charleston SC
Our kitchen is one of the most used rooms in our house. It is only fair that we create something we’re proud of.
Taking on such a project isn’t just fun, these trendy customizations can actually spruce up your whole kitchen, and the best part is, no one will have the same design as you!
Get a free quote for your kitchen cabinets in Charleston, SC!
Contact us or visit us at Southern Cabinets!